Fishing Season 2024 hath begun

Looking back at last year, I realize, lamentably, that I did not do any updates to the way the year progressed. I hope to do a bit better this year. The truth is that 2023 was a killer year for guiding - we had some great days on the water and caught some amazing fish. I hope that 2024 can be as productive of a year.

My favorite fish of 2023 was a beautiful tiger musky that destroyed a topwater whopper plopper. My client was casting up into a shallow channel and this fish bite once and missed and then came back strong for a second take. I wasn’t really sure of the caliber of the fish until she was in the net. Once I had eyes on her, I was blown away by the size, pattern, and general clean looking coat that the fish had. Some musky are beat up and look a bit raggedy and this fish was definitely not one of those types.

She swam off strong and I am really hoping to see her again in the years to come. Some times people ask me why do I do catch and release only and I think it’s two-fold. Reason one being that I want others to have the chance to catch such awesome fish but secondly because I ALSO want to recatch those fish. Catch and release works - I have absolutely caught the exact same fish multiple years.

I will leave you with some pictures from 2024 so far and a few of my favorites from last year.

Please reach out if you are looking to make a trip to the UP. I might still have a few openings but they are closing fast.

As always.  




C'est la vie.  

Pura vida.  

Carpe diem.