Ridiculous titles aside, it’s the truth, the fishing season started with a crazy bang. Trout opener was the last Saturday in April and it wasn’t just trout that were hitting that day. We’ve caught 5 species since opener two weeks ago - brook trout, walleye, smallmouth, pike, sucker (two species), and nearly a steelhead.
The raft has been leading us on great adventures and I hope to soon get the kayak out as well.
The trout opener was especially cool because we not only caught big brookies but we also landed walleye and smallmouth on the same day in the same body of water. I’ve never been in a place before where you could catch those warm water and cold water species in the same location and it made for such a memorable day on the water.
Absolutely loved catching these fish pictured below. I hope you enjoy!

Thanks, y’all!
As always.
C'est la vie.
Pura vida.
Carpe diem.